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American Jewish Music 1948 to 1978

    In the spring I wrote a paper on the recorded examples of American Jewish 
Music from 1948 to 1978. For those of you in the Boston area I will be 
presenting the portion of the Paper that covers "the Wild Side of Things." 
This includes the Latin flavored recordings of Irving Fields (Bagels and 
Bongos) and Johnny Conquet (Raisins and Almonds), the Rock and Roll recording 
of Lou Klayman (Twistin' the Freilachs), and the Big Band Jazz inspired Sam 
Musiker recording with Dave Tarras; Tantz!
    The presentation will be at 12 noon on November 29th at the Northeastern 
Hillel. The Hillel is at 70 St. Stephen St. just one block from New England 
Conservatory. Contact me off list for detailed directions.
    This presentation along with others are available to travel, contact me 
off list.

Matt Temkin - Mattflight (at) aol(dot)com
    Student VP of Education, Northeastern University Hillel.
    Assistant Archivist; Klezmer Conservatory Foundation
    Jewish Music Percussionist

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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