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Re: need lyrics: Sod HaMazalot (Avihu Medina)

Here are the lyrics as I know them:

Bi-ymey reshit shamayim al ha-olam
Meaz kavu ha-mayim ve-ha-adam
Cholem hu al ha-ahava 
She-hi yafa ve-gam zaka
ve-khol chayav neemana

Lo tuchal adam ladaat ve-lo lachazot
Ve-al tevakesh lilmod et sod ha-mazalot
kol ma she-notar lecha hu rak letsapot
she-be-'atid halevai ve-titgashemna ha-tikvot

Rotse adam lanuach mevakesh shalom
Echad rotse batuach sheni hayom
U-ma barur yoter mi-kol 
Lo neda ech ha-goral yipol
Ma she-batuach ha-etmol

Yoshev ha-el le-maala be-hirhurim
Mabit becha tohe hu ad hechan tagzim
Ad lean tarchik ba-dimuyim
Techapes pitron ba-kochavim
Ve-gam lichyot le-olamim

On Thu, 1 Nov 2001 23:03:05 -0800, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org wrote:

  Shalom y'all,
  I'm looking for the original Hebrew lyrics to Avihu Medina's
  song "Sod HaMazalot", which was a big hit for Zohar Argov.  
  Can anyone help me with this?
  All I found online were partial lyrics in Spanish (on the
  WZO web site).  Not exactly what I need, but if I ever get 
  called to do a bar mitzvah with Gloria Estefan, I suppose
  I'll be ready....
  Muchissimas gracias / todah rabah / denks a lot,


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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