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Interfaith Healing Service with the Afro-Semitic Experience

Warren and I along with our band, The Afro-Semitic Experience, will be
performing and participating in an outdoor interfaith service at the chapel
at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut this Saturday afternoon,
September 29.  This service will begin at 4:00 p.m. and will begin (a bit
early) with a Havdalah service that will be followed by a series of readings
and performances of sacred music dedicated to the idea of healing and
rebuilding.  Trinity College Chapel is located at 300 Summit Street in
Hartford, Connecticut. The telephone number at the Chapel is 860-297-2012.

I  hope that those of you in the Hartford and greater Connecticut area can
join us for this service.

David Chevan, Bassologist
for more info visit my web site located at

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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