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In a message dated 9/24/1 8:41:19 PM, tsipra (at) earthlink(dot)net writes:

In this extraordinarily difficult time, when everyone is feeling so
tense and people are using their e-mail to communicate not only
important political information, but also to let each other know who is
okay and who is not, it might be better in the future to save the
subject heading "URGENT MESSAGE" for messages that truly are urgent.

These are extraordinary times, and we are all shocked by what has happened in 
New York, however, don't forget that THIS IS a Jewish Music List. The fact 
that Ari has permitted us to learn more about the situation in New York does 
not detract from the fact that this is a MUSIC list. Winston's message WAS 
urgent to those who were looking forward to hearing is.  

No amount of music can erase what happened in NY, but there is solace in the 
words to the High Holiday service.

I think this year will find many Jews at the Yom Kippur service who haven't 
been to shul in a long, long time.

To a Better New Year,

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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