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Re: Happy Nigun and Kammen

In a message dated 9/15/01 5:54:52 PM, Mattflight (at) aol(dot)com writes:

<<     I only have my reprint of the 1961 Edition of Kammen #9 handy, and it 
doesn't mention Sam Ash. It also has no cords in it, Book #9 never seemed to 
have cords added to it. >>

Doesn't the piano score provide chords for those who need them? Sure, not in 
short form above but certainly are there in piano form. Maybe I'm forgetting 
what's out there; haven't looked for my folio 9 in awhile. 
Most if not all of the kammen tunes can be found elsewhere anyway; not sure 
if any are unique to that book. Kostokowsky, Stacy Phillips, etc. all have 
what's in there, although not always titled the same. I also have an old 
"Branch" book that had some crossover, albeit possibly without chords as well.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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