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Please Daven

Please please daven for my 27 year old brother - Andrew.  He worked on the 
85th floor of the twin towers.  It is now 8 hours since the second plane went 
through his building and we haven't heard from him. 
His Hebrew name is Chaim Zalmin ben Susha Sarah.  
Please please all we can do is daven.
May the hurt be healed and the deceased comforted with the mourner's of zion.
B"H I will be able to write with positive news one day soon.
Cheryl Shames
Wife of Oneg Shames ( Jewish Musician NY)

PS. The Garners in Staten Island are okay, thank G-d. Rabbi Garner left work 
Mon at 10:00am and was stuck at the Outerbridge crossing for 24 hours trying 
to get home to Staten Island. He returned home Tuesday safe but very tired 
and  frazzled.

I'm glad to hear the the music Community is okay.
Michele Garner (Rockin' Rebbetzin WSIA)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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