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SBRyna9/12-Re: events in NYC

Dear Ryna,

In a message dated 9/12/01 4:54:51 AM, ryna_k (at) 
tzion(dot)tel-aviv(dot)gov(dot)il writes:

>I just have to express my disbelief, shock and horror over these
>unprecedented attacks in the US. I hope and pray that all of you are safe
>and you will be in my thoughts on the "Yamim Nora'im".
Thank you for your sympathetic and supportive thoughts. We are in a very 
similar state here, as you can imagine. I flew back to Minneapolis on the 
last Northwest Airlines flight out of San Francisco Monday evening. My wife 
Jeanie, who had been with me in the Bay Area, flew back home the previous 
Wednesday and picked me up at the airport. I had just completed the 
production of the newest Chanticleer CD--a world premiere recording of a new 
work by the British composer, John Tavener. Had I kept my original plans of 
returning home on Tuesday, I would still be there. Little did I know what I 
would wake up to the next morning.

I know you live with this everyday. We have been relatively fortunate and 
"spoiled" by the "free society" here in the States. No more, I'm afraid.

I wish you the best in both of our struggles to overcome terrorism in all 

May the New Year bring renewed hope and peace for all.

Best wishes,

Steve Barnett
Barnett Music Productions
BarMusProd (at) aol(dot)com 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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