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Re: Safe people

Many thanks for that posting. Let me reiterate that the list is open to help in 
any way, and especially welcomes postings about the safety of list 
participants, family, and friends, as well as emergency information.

But please do think twice, should the temptation strike, about diverting this 
use to speculation about the attack, motives, appropriate government responses, 
etc. Let us not dilute the utility of the list at a time when people may 
especially not have access to high speed modems and may actually need the 
critical information.



At 09:18 AM 9/12/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>These people and their families are safe:
>Pete Sokolow
>Henry Sapoznik
>Marty Confurius
>Ismael Butera
>Will Holshouser
>Ken Maltz
>Diana Halperin

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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