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events in New York and Washington

It is fine by me if we temporarily ignore the subject matter of this list
for people from New York or Washington, DC to check in and let us know that
they are okay.

As Lorele said earlier, our hearts and thoughts are with those, and the
families of those, who were killed or injured today.

I do ask that people continue to respect the general list, and that reporting,
speculating, and other items to do with this tragedy beyond hearing from people 
that they are (we hope everyone is) okay, take place via private e-mail or on 
other forums.

As others have noted, the one obvious concrete things that people can do
is to donate blood (as posted earlier, call the American Red Cross' 800
number, or check in with your local hospital). Do check =locally= about
this. If, as in Newton, there is a local primary election, do remember
to vote. That right is part of what today's action were against. Use it.

If you listen to local radio and television, there will be phone numbers,
web addresses, and the like for local places to help. If you have questions,
or the ability to help (or both!), please put your efforts in that direction,
and direct them to where they are best likely to help. And, of course, if
there is a direct and unique way in which jewish-music discussants can help
(benefits to raise funds for victims and families?), do post that information, 
and =only= that information, here.

Many thanks,

Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
the klezmer shack:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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