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Fwd: US visit of Maria Farandouri


She has recorded some Ladino songs as well.



>Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2001 14:22:38 -0700
>Reply-To: rolandmoore (at) home(dot)com
>Sender: owner-MGSA-L (at) uci(dot)edu
>From: Roland Moore <rolandmoore (at) home(dot)com>
>To: mgsa-l (at) uci(dot)edu
>Subject: US visit of Maria Farandouri
>X-Sender: rolandmoore (at) netmail(dot)home(dot)com
>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Light Version 3.0.6 (32)
>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by 
> id OAA23594
>From: Gail Holst-Warhaft <glh3 (at) cornell(dot)edu>
>Press Release.
>Special U.S. Tour by Greece's Celebrated Singer, Maria Farandouri.
>September-October, 2001
>                                 with
>                         Henning Schmiedt, Piano
>                         Jens Naumilkat, Cello
>                         Volker Schlott, flute, saxophone
>                         Yiannis Zotos, bouzouki, guitar, oud
>                         Thanassis Zotos, baglama, percussion
>One appearance in New York City: October 6th, 8pm: Olympic Theater, 851
>Prospect Ave, Bronx, NY.
>Campus Concerts
>September 28th, 8pm: Mendelssohn Theater, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
>October 3rd, 8pm: Maliotis Cultural Center, Hellenic College, Boston
>October 5th, 8pm: Richardson Auditorium, Princeton University, Princeton.
>Her voice has been called "a gift from the Gods of Olympus" (The Guardian ,
>The late President of the French Republic, François Mitterand, wrote: "For
>me Greece is
>Maria Farandouri. This is how I imagined the Goddess Hera to be: strong,
>pure and vigilant. I have never encountered any other artist able to give
>me such a strong sense of the divine." Maria Farandouri has been an
>unofficial Greek ambassador in the service of peace and international human
>rights, performing at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, and at the 50th
>anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camp of Mauthausen, as
>well with Turkey's leading singer/song-writer Zulfu Livanelli.  A legend in
>Greek music, Ms. Farandouri is an international star who has performed and
>recorded with stars like Zubin Mehta, Mercedes Sosa, the Berliner Ensemble
>and guitarist John Williams.
>         Ms. Farandouri began her career interpreting the songs of 
> Greece's leading
>composer, Mikis Theodorakis (Nobel Peace Prize nominee, 2000 and
>internationally famous Greece for film scores -Zorba the Greek, Serpico , 
>Z). She soon became his greatest interpreter, and many of his songs were
>writen for her deep, thrilling voice. During the 1980's and 1990's Maria
>Farandouri worked with an increasingly broad spectrum of international
>composers and performers. For the last decade she has worked with an
>outstanding group of young musicians from Germany. Earlier this year she
>performed with them in a triumphant concert at the Sydney Opera House where
>she was hailed by the press simply as a "Diva". This summer Farandouri has
>given packed concerts at Pamplona, Spain, and at the Herod Atticus Theater
>in Athens
>         Ms. Farandouri and her musicians are visiting the United States 
> with the
>generous assistance of the Greek Ministry of Culture. Her first concert
>will be at University of Michigan where she will be the guest of honor at
>the inauguration of the new Cavafy Chair in Modern Greek Studies on
>September 28th. On October 3rd she will perform at the Maliotis Cultural
>Center in Boston which is celebrating its 25th anniversary.  Princeton
>University's Program in Hellenic Studies will be her host for a concert in
>the on October 5th, and on October 6th she will give her final concert at
>the new Olympic Theater in the Bronx.
>         Ms. Farandouri will present songs by Greece's leading composers -
>Theodorakis, Hadjidakis, Loizos, and others - as well as traditional Greek
>folk songs and rebetika.
>         For further information contact the individual concert centers:
>University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Laura Pavledes): 734-998-6255.
>Maliotis Cultural Center, Boston (Tina Papadopoulos): 617-522-2800
>Princeton University, Princeton (Hellenic Studies): 609-258-3339
>Olympic Theater, Bronx (Vassilis Papaioannou): 718-378-1200
>                                 Gail Holst-Warhaft
>                                     Tour Co-ordinator
>                                 607-257-7934

Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420 USA

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