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Re: Fritz Kreisler's grave stone

sic transit gloria mundi.
A more recent article in the NY Times about
Woodlawn Cemetery mentioned many prominent
musical figures and singled out the musical 
notation on Miles Davis' stone. Fritz Kreisler
wasn't mentioned.

-----Original Message-----
From:         RAHBC (at) CUNYVM(dot)CUNY(dot)EDU
Date:         Thu, 06 Sep 2001 09:01:35 EDT
To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Subject: Fritz Kreisler

> I recently came across an article in the New York Times (written around 2 
> years
>  ago) about Woodlawn Cemetery in the Bronx. There is a description of 
> Kreisler'
> s very plain headstone which is, according to the author, decorated with a
> cross.
> I am waiting to read Fritz Kreisler : love's sorrow, love's joy / Amy
> Biancolli (Amadeus Press, 1998) to get more information about this ...
>                                             Honora Raphael
>                                             Music Librarian
>                                             Brooklyn College


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