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Re: Fritz Kreisler

In a message dated 9/6/01 9:11:42 AM, RAHBC (at) CUNYVM(dot)CUNY(dot)EDU writes:

<<  There is a description of Kreisler'
s very plain headstone which is, according to the author, decorated with a
This certainly explains a little.... :-(

I am waiting to read Fritz Kreisler : love's sorrow, love's joy / Amy
Biancolli (Amadeus Press, 1998) to get more information about this ...

I read this article on-line and this is where I found that she says he was 
"more than half Jewish" or maybe she said "at least half Jewish." It was one 
of those statements and this is what I was latching onto. 
Thanks. Any other info would be very helpful. I apprectiate it.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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