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Re: "Jewish" Violin Music (suggestions)

Barry Serota produced (at least I think he produced; he definitely wrote the 
liner notes and I think was more involved than that) a number of records and 
tapes under the rubric THE RUSSIAN JEWISH COMPOSERS; there may have been six 
or seven, each titled as above with "vol. ---."  Many if not most or all of 
these records feature music for violin (and piano) by such as Joel Engel, 
Joseph Achron, Solomon Rosowsky, Michael Gnessin, Alexander Krein, Jacob 
Weinberg, Samuel Alman, and Joachim Stutschewsky, plus Lazare Saminsky and 
Lazar Weiner.  They were issued under the label "Musique Internationale," 
but that may just have been a private label-name of Serota's.  Serota also 
acknowledges numerous sources for the scores (he refers to many of them as 
"rare" and "out of print").

These records have a wealth of material that I think would be very suitable. 
  (Achron's "Stempenyu Suite" and "Hebrew Melody" are on two of these 
records, along with much other, probably less well known, material.)

I also have a West German record on the label Da Camera Magna called BILDER 
AUS ISRAEL, with violin (plus accompaniment) music by Bloch, Chajes, Achron 
(including the "Hebrew Lullaby"), Joel Engel, Paul Ben Haim, Marc Lavry, 
Joseph Kaminski, and Arkadie Kouguell (whom I've never heard of, btw).  Some 
of these pieces have a delightful Jewish "ta'am" (flavor).

Finally, Mischa Elman recorded a Vanguard LP (1099 in mono) called HEBRAIC 
MELODIES, featuring, in addition to (again) Achron's "Hebrew Melody," 
Bruch's "Kol Nidre," and Bloch's "Nigun" from BAAL SHEM, works by Josef 
Bonime (one "Danse Hebraique"), George Perlman ("Dance of the 
Rebbitzen"--the titles are intriguing, anyway), Marc Lavry, and Chajes, plus 
a couple of chestnuts.

Hope that's helpful.

--Robert Cohen

>From: Albert Combrink <combrink (at) herzlia(dot)com>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: "Jewish" Violin Music
>Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 16:43:36 +0200
>Hi there everyone
>I am looking for music for a violinist who wants to play Jewish Music at
>various concerts and functions. He has played Bloch's "Baal Shem", to
>acclaim, and would like to explore more music in this vein.
>Any suggestions for violinists other than the complete works of Bloch?
>Thank you all,
>Albert Combrink

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