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RE: pronunciation

Can anyone on the list--presumably with some knowledge of Hungarian?--help 
to clarify how to pronounce (Oedeon/Oedoen) Partos's first name in 
English--that is, assuming that it *isn't* (or is it?) "Eden," however 
*that's* to be pronounced?  Can someone provide familiar words whose 
pronunciation would be a guide to how this name should be pronounced?

Many thanks again --

Robert Cohen

>The last name (par-tosh) does, but the vowels in the first name aren't
>right. They are 'o's with short umlauts (Hungarian has both short and
>long umlauts). English doesn't have the sound, so I can't write it.
>It would be like a German "ö", or maybe a French "eu".  It's like combining
>an "eh"  with an "oo". The correct spelling would be a capital ö, the 
>(The extended ASCII key set is alt-148, for the lower case, but I don't 
>recall the capital.
>But Hungarian also has two 'a' sounds, not knowing what the 'a' is in 
>Partosh, can't
>say. Best to ask a Hungarian in person.
> >Robert Cohen [mailto:rlcm17 (at) hotmail(dot)com] wrote:
> >
> >1) the Israeli composer Oedoen Partos, whose name is sometimes rendered
> >Oedeon Partos--aside from which is the correct spelling of his first
> >how do you pronounce it?
> >
> >I'm not familiar with him, but I do know that is a Hungarian name
> >(equivalent to the German "Otto"), with short umlauts (as opposed to the
> >long umlauts in Hungarian), so pronounce it as "ödön," as it would be in
> >German. Incidentally, I have seen "ödön" anglicized to "Edmund."  I would
> >assume the last name is pronounced "partosh."

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