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Re: Rare historical Yiddish recordings re-released

In a message dated 7/23/01 9:30:35 AM, gottesman (at) 
yiddish(dot)forward(dot)com writes:

<< This Cubo-klezmer CD is important historically but the quality is 
very poor. Beware. It can be purchased at the Workman Circle 
Bookstore in NYC. - Itzik Gottesman >>

Double ditto on the above. Also: there is no "klezmer" on the disc; it's all 
Russian-Yiddish theater music and what instrumental stuff there is, is 
mediated theater arrangements, so even the  title of the anthology is 
misleading. And finally, the notes are barely informative and the portions 
are so small.

Henry Sapoznik
Author  "Klezmer! Jewish Music From Old World to Our World" (Schirmer Books)
Founder/Director "KlezKamp: The Yiddish Folk Arts Program"
17th Annual KlezKamp December 23-28th 2001 Cherry Hill New Jersey

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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