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Re: Reb dovidlekh ("You know who you are!")

(freylekh [allegro])
We could assign short phrases, or even better, numbers, to certain
recurring themes as they appear and need to be identified. After a 
while, we could substitute the numbers for the themes and motifs
they represent, and we would get exchanges like the following:
"#18" (response is applause) 
"#2" (laughter)
"#42" (more laughter)
"#35" (silence)
"#40" ("you just don't tell it right! It's 'arbaim mi yodea'!)

I once posted the phrase "who knows one" on a discussion list (not
this one) and got a variety of predictable responses but NOT the next 
phrase from the song "ekhod mi yodea," i.e., "one is keloheynu, in the
heavens and on earth."

(tsuzamen  [ensemble])
lomir ale zingen ...


On Wed, 18 Jul 2001 22:59:46 -0400 Ari Davidow <ari (at) ivritype(dot)com> 
> We had a discussion about that a while back. Turns out this software 
> can only put the whole list name in the tag, and if each message 
> began "[jewish-music]" a lot of people wouldn't have room to see 
> that actual subject.
> I'm trying to reach a point where I can go back to developing some 
> new tools independent of the list, and I certainly welcome any ideas 
> and/or help, but that's (the preceding paragraph) why we don't use 
> that method on this list at this time.
> ari

> does anyone else think the jewish-music list should have a little 
> tag on every subject line? a lot of other mailing lists do. like if you

> send a message with the subject "I like Jewish music," everyone 
> gets it saying "[jewish-music] I like Jewish music." (In replies, "Re:"

> comes before the tag, so everything threads nicely in software that 
> uses threads.) 
> Now that I'm using a lot of public terminals (and not my home 
> computer that  has filtering software) this would definitely come in 
> handy for me, as well as a lot of other people, I believe.
> yakov
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