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defining the klez

Now to continue or to stop this discussion of trying to make a
definition of
a certain musical style. Here is what I found as labels.
We can just going on labeling or to avoid any labeling at all.

music - any music by any people
new music - contemporary classic music
folk music - music by folkies
modern jewish music - classical rooted music by jews
new jewish music - contemporary Western art music by jews with jewish
musical origins

klezmer - music of klezmorim  (jewish musicians)
traditional instrumental music of East-European Jews a.k.a. klezmer
(definition of Merlin Shepherd)
American klezmer - fusion of European Jewish styles (Dave Tarras etc.)
European klezmer music - Khevrisa CD-title
Traditional Klezmer - (early American Klezmer?)
Jewish world-music or Jewish-world music
contemporary jewish music
authentic jewish music
yiddish music
new yiddish music
Yiddish Theatre music
Yiddish Vaudeville (The Original Klezmer Jazz Band)
Chassidic music (Nigunim?)
Hassidic New Wave ( Frank London)
Hebrew music
Klezjazz (?Yale Strom?/ Klezmokum/ The Modern Klezmer Quartet)

Hi, Id just like to add to this list
Oi-Va-Voi's 'tsiganoslavomagyaroklezmerclubculture' !!!


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