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Fwd: Music book by Israel Evenchik

If you have suggestions for this person, please send them to
her--she is not on this list. (I'll try to gather anything posted
to this list and e-mail them to her.):

>From: ljordon (at) dss(dot)state(dot)sc(dot)us
>Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 10:56:30 -0400
>Subject: Music book by Israel Evenchik
>I am a shiksa musician new to klezmer, but I enjoy it a lot. If Dave Grisman 
>play bluegrass, I can play klezmer.
>Anyhow, I bought a pamphlet  of  Klezmer music, written by Israel Evenchick. (I
>found it on eBay) It was very old, and has disintegrated. The music I was able
>to photocopy was wonderful. Do you have any idea where I might find another 
>of this book? Photocopies would do; I just want the music.
>Thank you sincerely,

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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