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Responding to the message of <001a01c0fd28$f8b4ede0$64a3fea9 (at) 
from jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org:
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> Libe javerim:
> My name is Abraham Pupko, from Mexico City, I'm receiving E mails from =
> you and I like very much to hear all the cuestion you discuss, I like =
> jewish music: Yidish, klezmer, israeli the older one before the Medinath =
> Israel, ladino, Rab Carlebachs, Giora Feidman and on the other hand =
> Classical music.
> I would like to add something to the points you discuss about =BF what =
> is Jewish music? did you hear  about the italian
> composer Salomone de Rossi (1570-1630) who lived under the Duke of =
> Mantua,(the real one not Rgolleto's) I have two CD's of his music, one =
> of them CARLTON CLASSICS 30366 00452, if somebody heard it,what your =
> opinion about, is this Jewish music? 

As most people on this list know, I have proposed a particular definition that 
Jewish music is that which Jewish use to propagate Jewish life, which would 
certainly have been Rossi's purpose.  Stylistically it's very much like other 
Italian sacred vocal polyphony of its time.  My criterion does not include 
whether I personally think it sounds Jewish or not (although, like everyone else
on this list, I have ideas about what that means which, like everyone, derive 
from the limits of my experience).  In the 20th century, one could ask the same 
question about any of Schoenberg's 'Jewish' pieces.

There was a cantor who wrote a musicology dissertation on Sulzer at the 
University of ?hicago (his first name was Abraham and I'm sorry I don't recall 
his last name, it's been years since I've seen him), who alleged a strong if not
always obvious connection to nusach.  I spoke to him about it a few times, but 
never saw the dissertation so I can't say anything more about the analysis.  
I've often wondered if such a connection did not exist in Rossi as well. I'm no 
Rossi maven and I have no idea, but it seems feasible, since nusach must have 
been part of his musical world, probably a big part.

Alex Lubet, Ph. D.
Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of Music
Adjunct Professor of American and Jewish Studies
University of Minnesota
2106 4th St. S
Minneapolis, MN 55455
612 624-7840 612 624-8001 (fax)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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