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Libe javerim:
My name is Abraham Pupko, from Mexico City, I'm receiving E mails from you and 
I like very much to hear all the cuestion you discuss, I like jewish music: 
Yidish, klezmer, israeli the older one before the Medinath Israel, ladino, Rab 
Carlebachs, Giora Feidman and on the other hand Classical music.
I would like to add something to the points you discuss about ¿ what is Jewish 
music? did you hear  about the italian
composer Salomone de Rossi (1570-1630) who lived under the Duke of Mantua,(the 
real one not Rgolleto's) I have two CD's of his music, one of them CARLTON 
CLASSICS 30366 00452, if somebody heard it,what your opinion about, is this 
Jewish music? about Kol Isha, in Kohelet, 2:8 Slomo Hamelej says he had 
gold,(many other things) and male singers and FEMALE SINGERS. one question, 
does somebody knows where I can get a CD of Theodore Bikel singing russian 
songs? sorry mu bad english
With a friendly shalom    Abraham.

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