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Chevan and Byrd in Free Concert in Washington, D.C.

The critically acclaimed duo of David Chevan and Warren Byrd will perform in
concert in the Ina and Jack Kay Community Hall of the Washington DC JCC  at
3:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 24.  Admission to this event is free.  The Jewish
Community Center is located at 1529 16th Street, NW (the corner of 16th and
Q Streets, NW)/ in Washington, D.C.  To register for this event and reserve
seating please call 202-518-9400 or email musicfest (at) dcjcc(dot)org(dot)

This concert is part of DC JCC's "Washington Jewish Music Festival" and this
particular event is being presented by Windows and Mirrors.  Windows and
Mirror is a collaborative program  between the DCJCC and the
African-American Resource Center of Howard University.  The program strives
to bridge the African-American and Jewish communities together through the

In this concert program, entitled, Avadim Hayinu, Jazz Pianist Warren Byrd
and Jazz Bassist David Chevan
will perform works from the African-American and Jewish sacred traditions.
African-American spirituals and Hebraic and modern serve as the basis for
improvised pieces that reveal the passion and drama of this deeply spiritual

"Communication on the most elemental level and yet, at the same time, the
most elevated." George Robinson, The Jewish Week

 "Your musical partnership and your mutually respectful engagement in one
another's musical and spiritual traditions model the kind of dialogue
between the black and Jewish communities that so many of us aspire to. Your
presentation had the remarkable effect of moving, delighting and edifying us
all at the same time."  Rabbi Dan Polish, Director of the UAHC Commission on
Social Action of Reform Judaism

"Leave it to the artists among us to heal the breach . . . pianist Warren
Byrd and double bassist David Chevan explore and celebrate the musical ties
that have bound these two traditions together across centuries of suffering
and redemption . . . Listening to this CD [Let Us Break Bread Together] is a
bit like checking out a funky little club in the basement of a church or
shul. Or listening to a sermon on a bus ride headed South." Martin
Goldsmith, former host and senior commentator for NPR's Performance Today,
The Forward

Please forward this e-mail to anyone you think might be interested in
attending this event.  Thank you.

David Chevan, Bassologist
for more info visit my web site located at

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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