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tsimbls - Kurt Bjorling

I am forwarding this for Kurt, who is not on this list. DO NOT RESPOND TO THE 

>From: Muziker (at) aol(dot)com
>Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 12:19:26 EDT
>A friend who subscribes to this Jewish music email list forwarded some
>messages to me about me and the Jewish-style tsimbls/dulcimers/sanduris which
>I make.  I have news on this subject which may be of interest.
>Just to set the beliefs and perceptions straight surrounding my
>tsimbl-building efforts:
>- I have received many requests and offers for my tsimbls, and I have always
>HOPED to be able to make them  for people who want them, but so far I have
>never sold any or built any instruments for sale.
>- To date, I have completed exactly two instruments - I use one of these
>myself and the other is in regular use by my colleague in Chicago Klezmer
>Ensemble, Eve Monzingo.  A third instrument is completely finished except for
>putting on the strings - and it has sat this way, one step short of
>completion, for almost five years!
>- This is not as perverse as it sounds: I have kept this instrument
>uncompleted so that I can remove the top and show people the interior
>construction - I have been trying to interest someone in building these
>instruments for me so that I could start supplying them to the people who
>have been asking me for them.
>BUT, (the good news)
>- Last Sunday, June 10, I resumed work on building tsimbls.  The last
>previous entry in my work log was in August of 1996!  I hope to complete two
>new instruments by the end of this summer.
>- I have found a Chicago area piano technician who rebuilds and restores
>pianos and who is very interested in collaborating to produce my tsimbl
>designs.  It is clear to me from my discussions with him that he understands
>the important factors of the instrument and together I think we can improve
>my design.  He is leaving next week for one-month visit home (in Greece) and
>we plan to get started on this project soon after he returns in July.
>1. I am not yet ready to quote prices, or predict availability, but I welcome
>questions about the instruments themselves.  I am far more hopeful now than I
>have been in years that I can start making instruments available soon. 
>("Soon" means within a year or so.)
>2. I have a list of people who have expressed an interest in acquiring one of
>my tsimbls, it is not well-organized and it may not be complete, but I will
>do the best I can to make sure people who are already waiting/hoping to get
>one of my tsimbls will get first chance.  If you believe your name, or that
>of someone you know, already belongs on this list, it would not hurt to
>confirm this with me.  If you want to add your name to this growing list,
>please let me know.
>3. IF I actually go into production of tsimbls then I will try to serve all
>the people on my list, in the order in which they declared their interest.
>4. BUT - as long as I am just making instrument on a day-to-day basis,
>without an organized plan to produce them steadily, I will offer them on a
>cash-and-carry basis.  For example: I hope to bring at least one or two
>completed instruments to 'KlezKanada' this summer for participants to
>learn/practice on, and if somebody there decides he/she definitely wants to
>buy one of them, I would probably sell it.
>I am NOT a subscriber to this mailing list - SORRY!  (If I had time for that,
>I would have had time to be building instruments!!) so you cannot contact me
>through the list.  If you write questions please include a telephone number -
>I do not have time to write lengthy answers - talking is much faster!  If one
>of you will act as email 'spokesperson' and collect all your questions  I
>will happily answer all questions as a group and you may post my response to
>the list.
>Kurt Bjorling
>743 Brummel St.
>Evanston IL 60202
>(847) 475-3905
Musiker (at) aol(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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