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Was Bruch Jewish?

I stand corrected - Bruch was NOT Jewish.  I had actually lost a bet about
this a while back.  Well, you never learn.

Anyway, I offer you all this story to make up for the goof:  A woman went up
to the pianist Moritz Moskowski (1854 - 1925) and asked him to sign her
autograph book.  He looked in the book and saw that the famous conductor Max
Von Bulow had signed before him: "Bach, Beethoven, Brahms - all the others
are cretins."

Moskowski took the book and signed: ":Mendelssohn, Meyerbeer, Moskowski -
all the others are Christians."

joel epstein
etses gibbers consultants
moshav magshimim 56910
972-3-9338751 (fax)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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