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MP3 Websites

My name is Glenn Tamir and I live in Mamaroneck, NY. 
I have done several music webpages for groups
including Pharaoh's
Daughter(  Shirona
( and Klezska
(  These Jewish music groups
wanted to have a way to allow people to sample their
music on the web.  Some of them only allow listeners
to listen - not to download mp3's and one (Klezska)
provides that capability - it's their choice.

If anyone on the list is interested in my services,
please send me a reply.  The cost to do a site like
pharaoh's daughter is $250.00.  This is a one-time fee
and there are no monthly hosting fees.  It will be up
and running within a week after receiving the relavant
content for creating the site.

Thank you for your time and chag sameach!


KLEZSKA - part of the next wave in Jewish music

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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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