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Fwd: JEWISH DANCE: Special issue of Jewish Folkllore and Ethnology Review NEW!

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>To: "Performance Studies Discussions \(E-mail\)" 
><tsoa-psdiscuss (at) forums(dot)nyu(dot)edu>,
>Subject: JEWISH DANCE: Special issue of Jewish Folkllore and Ethnology 
>Review NEW!
>Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 09:15:39 -0400
>A special Jewish Dance issue of the Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Review,
>Vol. 20, nos. 1-2 2000, guest edited by Judith Brin-Ingber, has just
>appeared. It is a
>substantial issue, at 208 pages.
>Included in this issue are the following articles, preceded by
>the editor's introduction:
>1.Gaby Aldor, "Name Calling: The Dichotomy Between Jewish and Israeli
>Dance," about contemporary choreographers.
>2.Jill Gellerman, "Simcha Basi hasha'eva in Crown Heights: Rehearsing for
>the Ultimate Simcha Among the Lubavitcher Hasidim."
>3. Dawn Lille Horwitz, "Ethiopian Dance in Israel" plus an interview with
>dir. of one of the Ethiopian co's in Israel, Ruth Eshel."
>4. Naomi Jackson, "Searching for Moving Metaphors: Jewishness in American
>Dance and Postmodern Dance."
>5. Elke Kaschl, "Beyond the Nation in Israeli Folk Dancing? Performing
>Community Trhough Shared Repertoires at the 92nd St. Y and the Town and
>Village Synagogue in New York."
>6. Giora Manor, "the Yemenite Materials of Sara Levi-Tanai," plus an
>article by Sara Levi-Tanai translated into English from the new book edited
>by Naomi Bahat, _Dancing Barefoot,on Yemenite Dance_, published in Israel.
>7. Judith Neulander, "Do you Bow? Dancing to the Image of the Sabbath
>Queen," an ethnographic study of a Reform congregation in a midwestern town.
>8. Janice Ross, "Jewish Culture and Identity in the Russian Ballet: The
>Case of Leonid Jacobsen."
>9. Barbara Sparti, "Jewish Dancing-Masters and 'Jewish Dance' in
>Renaissance Italy; Guglielmo Ebreo and Beyond."
>10. Nina Spiegel, "Cultural formulation in Eretz-Israel: The National
>Dance Competition of 1937."
>11. Judith Brin-Ingber, "Vilified or Glorified? Views of the Jewish Body,"
>on the Eretz-Israel folk dance troupe touring the DP camps in
>12. Interview with Felix Fibich, excerpts from the oral history for the
>Dance Collection at Lincoln Center, completed in March of 1999.
>13. Bibliography of Jewish dance sources since 1982, with references in
>French, German, Hebrew and English
>To order:
>Please send a check or money order payable to:
>American Folklore Society
>$20 (international purchases, add $5) including postage and handling.
>Mail to:
>American Folklore Society,
>Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Section
>American Anthropological Association
>4350 N. Fairfax Dr., Suite 640
>Arlington, VA 22203
>(703) 528-1902
>Fax (703) 528-3546
>For more information on the Jewish Folklore and Ethnology section of the
>American Folklore Society, contact Simon Bronner at sjb2 (at) psu(dot)edu(dot) 
>To join
>the Jewish Folklore and Ethnology listserv for free, subscribe at
>jfe-subscribe (at) yahoogroups(dot)com

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