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Re: How to make soundfiles (was: Eyn Keyloheynu)

The QuickTime 4.03 Plug-in on my browser will play waf, aiff, aifc, 
ulw, snd, au, mpg, mpg, mpeg, mpg2 type audio files.  I would imagine 
most browser plug-ins will play all of those.

Zayt gezunt (be healthy),

Yosl (Joe) Kurland
The Wholesale Klezmer Band
Colrain, MA 01340
voice/fax: 413-624-3204

At 9:57 PM -0400 5/16/01, AGREENBA (at) aol(dot)com wrote:
>Thank you all for the many suggestions on how to get sound into my website.
>I?ve saved the info and will hopefully learn which applies to me. But a
>question still remains: Which formats did some of you use to save these
>files? Wav? Quicktime? Since I have a Mac, perhaps Joe can answer most
>appropriately for me but I do, of course, want everyone to be able to access
>the sound. How does one do this - or is it not possible to ?reach? everyone?
>These are relatively short segments of music.
>---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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