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Re: Need a singer

I have been to several bar mitzvas with a capella
singers and they were a wonderful addition to the
kiddush afterward.  It inspired everyone to sing with
them as well.

Go for it!

Glenn Tamir
--- "Yakov (Koby)" <kchodosh (at) suffolk(dot)lib(dot)ny(dot)us> wrote:
> On Sun, 13 May 2001 07:51:25 EDT, you wrote:
> >A friend of mine is making a Bar Mitzvah for his
> son this coming February.  
> >The temple doesn't allow instruments to be played
> on shabbat.  So he is in 
> >need of an a capella singer or singers who do folk
> dance tunes as part of 
> >their repertoire.  Israeli, International,
> Scandanavian.  Can anybody help?
> Out here on Long Island, the "Shalom Singers" (part
> of the excellent "Shalom Orchestra") are a mainstay
> of Saturday afternoon bar mitzvah parties. They're
> good at what they do.
> Personally, though, I think it's more heimish (and
> cost-effective!) to do without singers. When there
> are singers with mics, they're invariably the only
> ones singing. Do you really need people to lead
> "Nigun Attik" and "Mayim"? Would it be better to
> find a friend in the shul or someone you're inviting
> who knows the folk dances?
> Just throwing out some ideas...
> Have fun, 
> ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> ---------------------+

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