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Re: Need a singer

On Sun, 13 May 2001 07:51:25 EDT, you wrote:

>A friend of mine is making a Bar Mitzvah for his son this coming February.  
>The temple doesn't allow instruments to be played on shabbat.  So he is in 
>need of an a capella singer or singers who do folk dance tunes as part of 
>their repertoire.  Israeli, International, Scandanavian.  Can anybody help?

Out here on Long Island, the "Shalom Singers" (part of the excellent "Shalom 
Orchestra") are a mainstay of Saturday afternoon bar mitzvah parties. They're 
good at what they do.

Personally, though, I think it's more heimish (and cost-effective!) to do 
without singers. When there are singers with mics, they're invariably the only 
ones singing. Do you really need people to lead "Nigun Attik" and "Mayim"? 
Would it be better to find a friend in the shul or someone you're inviting who 
knows the folk dances?

Just throwing out some ideas...

Have fun, 


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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