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Re: Hatikvah melody/Bialik?/Warshavsky?

I've just been doing a little research into Warshavsky, and he was a lawyer by
profession, who loved to perform his own compositions, travelling around to do
so.  For his song, Der Bekher, more commonly known as Tayere Malke, there are
two common melodies.  The one in 3/4, I believe, is the one that he wrote.
Will someone please correct me if I am wrong?


> While we're on this sort-of subject, does anyone have data on how Bialik's
> poems got matched/set to music?  (Or Mark Warshavsky's, for that matter?)
> In Bialik's case, I think I've read that Bialik's poems were set to music
> sometimes by him, sometimes by others--which is awfully vague, though of
> course it may be correct.  Does anyone have any real data/sources on the
> sources of "Bialik (and Warshavsky) melodies"?
> Thanks --
> Robert Cohen
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