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Re: Is it Jewish Music

Funny you should mention this.  I just read on this website:

a bit about Sonia Pressman Fuentes and her book, Eat First -- You Don't Know
What They'll Give You,

Already a university text book, Eat First provides sociologists with a
fascinating insight into the fight for sexual equality. But Sonia?s story is
far from just the stuff of academia. The title alone reveals the typically
Jewish warmth and humour which the author brings to her memoirs. Harry
Belafonte singing Hava Nagila, for instance, prompts a response from her
Polish father which will strikes a chord with anyone with parents or
grandparents from ?the old country?: ?Howja like dot? Herry Belafonte turns
out to be a Jew!? he exclaims. But Sonia?s mother is on hand to correct him:
?Not dot. Dat. T-h-a-t. Dat.? Harry?s heritage is beyond question.

I've read the book and it is hilarious and wonderful.  You should all go out
and buy it!



> >From: Dick Rosenberg <rrosenberg (at) davox(dot)com>
> >Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> >To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
> >Subject: RE: Is it Jewish Music
> >Date: Fri, 4 May 2001 13:00:22 -0400
> >
> >How about a category called "it depends". Dick Dale's Hava Nagila would
> >certainly be a likely candidate (IMHO).
> >
> ******************************
> especially when sung by Harry Belafonte!
> shabbat shalom!
> winston
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