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RE: josh waletzky's new songs on WEVD

I have heard what I believe is the same version of this CD (although I'm not
positive) but what I heard about a year ago was truly wonderful, stirring,
provocative, and a great step forward for Yiddish song in the Yiddish song
tradition. I heartily recommend it.

Seth Rogovoy
author of "The Essential Klezmer: A Music Lover's Guide to Jewish Roots and
"even the most clueless goy will be able to appreciate this art form" --
Linda Daily Paulson, Dirty Linen Magazine

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> [mailto:owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org]On Behalf Of Matt Jaffey
> Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 2:15 PM
> To: World music from a Jewish slant
> Subject: Re: josh waletzky's new songs on WEVD
> Is this CD available for purchase somewhere?
> Thanks,
> Matt
> At 12:05 PM 5/3/01 -0700, you wrote:
> >this sunday, may 6, I will feature Josh Waletzky's new CD of original
> >yiddish songs "Crossing the shadows" on my 10 minute radio segment
> >"Musical News" on the Yiddish Forward Hour on WEVD 1050 AM. The show
> >is from 10-11 AM,  My segment is usually in the first half hour. -
> >Itzik Gottesman
> >

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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