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Re: Is "Hatikvah" Jewish?

What it all really comes down to is this.  Why use labels at all to describe 
music?  Hasn't there been enough damage done to musicians who were pidgeonholed 
into a particular genre by some record label or music critic?  ALL music can be 
traced back to other origins.  ALL music is influenced by other music in one 
way or another.Let's stop tying to "define" what is "Jewish Music".  We're Jews 
and we play music.  Much of this music was influenced by other Jews who played 
or wrote music or by t'filot, etc..DONE!--- shirona  wrote:> A few years ago I 
attended a seminar on the origins> of "Jewish Music", and one of the examples 
studied> was our very own Hatikvah.  Most people think that> the melody was 
taken from Smetana's "Moldava" -> which already implies that it was "shnorered" 
from> another (non Jewish...) source.  However - according> to some 
musicologists, the melody for Hatikvah can> be traced to a Romanian 
horse-and-buggy song. The> same tune that might have influenced Smetana...  
But> either way - our own National Anthem is not Jewish. > So what kind of 
excuses do we need to come up with> to justify this?> > How can we make any 
claims at all - on what Jewish> music is or isn't?  Wandering for two thousand 
years> - we "shnorered" from whatever culture we lived with> at the time, mixed 
it with what we already had,> moved to other countries - and the process goes 
on> and on.  If anything - we were probably the most> effective proponents of 
"cultural cross-pollination"> around.> > But what difference does all this 
make?  Does it> really matter if the music we use was genuinely> "created" by 
"us", or somehow borrowed,> intentionally or unintentionally,  from another> 
source? Is it important to hang on to those> definitions?  Music is music...  
Traditions, taste> and styles change and evolve with time.> > OK Robert... I'm 
now waiting for your "Ipcha> Mistabra" response.  If you don't know what that> 
means - it's in Aramaic.  Look it up.> > Shirona> > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - - - - - - - -> - - - - - - - - - - - - - -> * * *  Singer / 
Songwriter and Teacher of Jewish> Music * * * > > >    
       Listen to Shirona's music on:> > - - - - - 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -> - - - - - - - - - - - - -  > 

KLEZSKA - part of the next wave in Jewish music

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