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Slip during concert -- oops!

My high school's "Pops Concert" -- select chorale, jazz band, and other small 
groups -- was a couple of weeks ago. This year I put together a klezmer group 
with myself, another trombonist, and a bad trumpeteer. We played two songs. The 
first was the easy chusidl Merlin Sheppard taught us in the "ear band", and it 
went pretty well. The second song, "Leben Zol Palestina" (we played it as a 
midtempo bulgar), I did with just me and the other trombone.

Anyway, in the beginning the other trombonist was supposed to vamp for a few 
measures before I came in. I said "vamp in D" and counted off. He must've 
thought I meant the D *section*, where it changes keys, because he started 
vamping in B, and then he tried to correct himself, or something, and I had no 
idea what the hell he was doing. So I turned to him, by now furious, and said, 
"What the FU-K are you doing?!"

Now, it wasn't particularly loud. But it was loud enough. In a silent 
auditorium -- for, of course, he stopped playing right after I said "the." All 
the people in the auditorium were laughing.

Of course, we then went on to play it again, and this time it went fine. But it 
was a pretty scary experience. 

Has something like this happened to anyone else?

(I was let off the hook pretty easy by my principal: four periods of unofficial 
detention, nothing in my record or sent home.)

with Art Spiegelman interview!

"Trombone is good!" - Griz 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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