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Re: Yiddish song? Shikhelekh

Anyone reply in regard to 
" Shikhelekh "?

Shikhelekh is a late 19th century song, which is found in the 
collection "di yidishe bine" 1897 edited by Minikes. I found a song 
sheet for it too from 20 years later. If I remember correctly "di 
yidishe bine" credits it as a Morris Rosenfeld song. I know it from my 
mother,who learned in it in Chernovitz and there might be several 
melodies. - Itzik Gottesman 
PS - my real email is gottesman (at) yiddish(dot)forward(dot)com(dot) I hardly 
this one anymore. Ari, any way to switch it?

the refrain -
Tate, af dir zol kimen a git yur
koyf, zhe mir, koyf zhe mir shikhelekh a pur.

father, may you have a good year
buy me a pair of sh

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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