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Re: OFF (but i'm sure you'll read!): Sex w/ a jewish woman?

   Being a Woman, I am getting very tired of these postings about 
married/unmarried woman stuff and I find them somewhat offensive. What does 
this have to do with music or women in music or Kol Isha???  May I humbly 
suggest that it is unimportant,EXCEPT to the woman and her why 
is it important on this list???? Other than as pilphul??? And I would also 
say, that some of the Men on this list need to GROW UP  and learn how to 
treat and speak about women more respectfully. When I was a music student at 
Berklee, we would have pants you guys!

>From: MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: OFF (but i'm sure you'll read!):  Sex w/ a jewish woman?
>Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 16:03:10 EDT
>In a message dated 04/05/2001 7:23:47 PM !!!First Boot!!!, 
>rlcm17 (at) hotmail(dot)com
> > Actually, from what I (humbly) understand, sex w/ an unmarried Jewish 
> > *not in nidah* is not, strictly speaking, prohibited. This is, loosely,
> > what
> > the Christian world called "fornication"--and I believe John Calvin was
> > horrified to find that it wasn't forbidden in the Torah!
> >
> >
>Oh, it certainly is NOT forbidden; however, considering that it is one of 
>ways that a marriage is legally formalized (others include statement of
>"harey at..."), one wouldn't want to be too hasty about it.  In simple 
>you are not forbidden to do it--in fact, once you do, you're married, and
>it's a mitzveh!  Anyone have a challenge to that?  (In case this is too
>off-topic, let's say that the couple in question are MUSICIANS...;-)

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