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The Klezmorim Forum

Hello, I would like to invite the subscribers of this mailing list, as well
as anyone else who is interested, to visit (and use) a klezmer bulletin
board that I have started up.  This bulletin board, The Klezmorim Forum, can
be found at .  Although is a clarinet website, anything related to Jewish music is fair
game on The Klezmorim Forum.  Originally, this bulletin board was on Delphi
forums, which was rather inconvenient for both the user as well as the
moderator.  You had to log in under a name and password.  I found this to be
horribly inconvenient.  This all changed when, with the help of Mark
Charette, webmaster of, The Klezmorim Forum found a better home,
on  In it's current location, the bulletin board is quite easy
to use, with absolutely no bothersome log-in to worry about.  You just go to
the address and you're there.
I ask that you at least stop by, and take a look at this bulletin board.  I
very much hope that you find it to be interesting.  Also, if there are any
posts that you would like to reply to, or even start your own posts, I ask
that you do so.  The more posting people do, the better.  After all, this is
what makes a bulletin board run.  :-)  
There are of course, a couple of simple rules to posting.  These are the
obvious, such as respecting other people's feelings and ideas, and staying
in the general topic of Jewish music.  Not really a big deal for most of us.
Just in case, though, I and a couple other co-moderators, will edit messages
for content, but only if is necessary.  We're only there to keep this a
friendly environment.  :-)
Also, if anyone has any comments or suggestions about the Klezmorim Forum,
please post a message on the bulletin board, or if you do not wish to post,
please email me at klezmerklarinet (at) sneezy(dot)org(dot)
Thanks you for your time.  I very much look forward to seeing a few new
faces on the bulletin board.


Nate Zeien, moderator of The Klezmorim Forum

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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