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Re: Afghanistan hoax


please check this link at Brandeis first:

then you may check:

here is info in german and italian:

the links in the Brandeis page will help, too.

To send such material via e-mail in mass mailings, causing every
recipient to either spend time researching or to perpetuate the hoax,
consumes vast amounts of time and energy better spent on actual action
concerning issues such as the taliban, etc.

i recommend that anyone wanting to send such material please contact the
final recipient FIRST to check validity. This small amount of work on
the part of a sender will save hundreds or thousands of others from
wasting THEIR time. 

Internet petitions have never been recognized or acknowledged as having
ANY useful purpose, since the signatures are not verifiable except by
massive laborious process which certainly neither Brandeis nor the
Taliban would undertake...

i am greatly concerned with these social issues, and have been helping a
Jewish woman organize activities in Afghanistan. I suggest that anyone
interested contact the sources which are readily findable via search

the best is, because you can see outdated links
by clicking the "cached" link in your results.

take care,

citizen kafka

Listen ANY TIME at:
Citizen Kafka, Producer, "The Secret Museum of the Air"
every Tuesday 6 to 7 PM EST WFMU 91.1 FM then go to 'listen to wfmu'

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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