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Fwd: Programs at Old Broadway Synagogue

>Dear Friends,
>I am writing to remind you about our upcoming Singles Dinner, scheduled for 
>Friday, March 16th  following 5:45pm services. If you would like to attend,
>please call the shul at (212) 662-9767 by Thursday, March 15th and leave your
>name and number, and also please send the shul a check for $18.
>We are also now taking reservations for our next community luncheon, which will
>be on Saturday, March 24th following davening at 9:15am. Our speaker, Dr. Adena
>Berkowitz, is a well-respected writer, editor and speaker as well as a noted
>orthodox Jewish feminist. Her topic will be "Jewish Women's Learning and
>Leadership Across the Milennia." Please reserve by Wednesday, March 21st by
>leaving your name and number  on the shul's voice mail at (212) 662-9767, and
>please send a check for $18 to the shul to cover the luncheon.
>We hope you will join us for these exciting programs.
>Best regards,
>Paul Radensky
>Program Committee
>Old Broadway Synagogue
>Chevra Talmud Torah Anshei Marovi
>15 Old Broadway
>New York, NY 10027
>(212) 662-9767

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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