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Re: Noam Sheriff, Sephardic Passion

I never heard the piece itself, but I assume that Ladino played a 
role in it, since Esti Kenan Ofri was singing together with Domingo. 
It was performed there in 1992, to "celebrate" the Fifth Centennial 
of the Gerush.

>There is a VHS tape of Sephardic Passion (IPO, Placido Domingo, 
>Zubin Mehta, Toledo) available for sale; I am wondering if (1) 
>anyone knows if the piece identifiably quotes Sephardic themes, (2) 
>if so, which ones, and (3) whether there are any CD recordings of it 
>Thanks in advance!
>Joel Bresler
>250 E. Emerson Rd.
>Lexington, MA 02420 USA
>Home Office:    781-862-4104
>FAX:            781-862-0498
>Email:          jbresler (at) ma(dot)ultranet(dot)com

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YUVAL  ITALIA     Centro Studi Musica Ebraica
the  Italian Center for the Study of Jewish Music

via della Guastalla,19            20122 Milano Italy
tel/fax +39 02 55014977    yuval (at) powerlink(dot)it
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