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New and Upcoming Concert Dates for Chevan and Byrd

Warren Byrd and I are pleased to announce some upcoming concert dates and

On Saturday, March 17, at 8:00 p.m. we will give a concert at Shir Chadash,
a new congregation in Poughkeepsie, New York.  The concert will be given at
the Poughkeepsie Friends Meeting House, 249 Hooker Ave. (corner of Whittier
Blvd), Poughkeepsie, NY and the number for tickets and information is (845)

We will be giving a concert of sacred music for the Passover season at the
Milford Fine Arts Council on Saturday, March 31, 2001 at 7:30 p.m.  The
Milford Fine Arts Council is located at 40 Railroad Avenue South and the
phone number for tickets and further info is (203) 878-6647.

On Sunday April 1, at 4:00 p.m.  we will participate in a special Ecumenical
and Inter-racial Seder at the West Point Military Academy in New York.  The
event is hosted by Rabbi Carlos Huerta, the Academy's Jewish chaplain and is
open to the public.  Joining us for this seder will be Cantor Shoshana Lash
who will be singing and leading Seder songs from the Ahskenazic, Sephardic
and Ladino traditions.  For more information about this event please call
Rabbi Huerta's office at 845-938-2766.

On Monday, April 2, 2001,  at 8:30 p.m. the Afro-Semitic Experience will
give a concert dedicated to the holiday of Passover and the theme of Exodus
and the diaspora.  This will take place  at The Buttonwood Tree which is
located at 605 Main St. in Middletown, Connecticut and the phone number is
(860) 347-4957.  The band that evening will include Warren Byrd on piano,
Richard McGhee on soprano saxophone, Will Bartlett on clarinet and tenor
saxophone, and Alvin Carter, Jr. and Jason Miles on percussion and some
surprise special guests.

On Thursday, April 12 we will give a performance at the Museum of Jewish
Heritage--A Living Memorial to the Holocaust.  The concert is scheduled for
6:30 p.m. There is an admission fee for the museum, but tickets to the
concert are free with your admission ticket.  For more information about
this event call 212-968-1800 x136 and to reserve tickets call 212-945-0039.
The Museum is located at 18 First Place in Battery Park City, New York.

Reviews for my new CD with Warren Byrd, "Let Us Break Bread Together:
Further Explorations of the Afro-Semitic Experience" continue to come in.
Here are some quotes from the most recent:

George Robinson wrote in The Jewish Voice, "Let Us Break" is an excellent
record of intelligent and thoughtful music, and I recommend it highly. 4 ½

Bob Blumenthal of  The Boston Globe called "Let Us Break Bread Together" "a
CD of heartfelt inter-denominational duets".
Nils Jacobson of  All About wrote that the new CD "is more a joyous
celebration of diversity than it is any kind of solemn piece of gravity. . .
"Let Us Break Bread Together" successfully accomplishes its goal of
combining African-American and Jewish experiences, offering a mixture of
music which can be appreciated from any cultural perspective. And there's no
reason not to tap your toes while the music dances forward."

John Barrett's, Short Takes, concludes that "This sound, the
common experience of two peoples, has a message -and beauty- for all

We have also heard from JazzTimes magazine, they plan to run a review of the
CD in their April issue.

As always I would appreciate it if you would forward this message to anyone
you think might be interested in these performances.

David Chevan, Bassologist
for more info visit my web site located at

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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