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>Organization: Jewish Association of St.Petersburg
>Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 00:19:25 +0300 (MSK)
>From: "Alexander Frenkel" <frenk (at) lea(dot)spb(dot)su>
>The Center for Jewish Music of the Jewish Community Center of St.
>Petersburg is proud to announce "KlezFest in St. Petersburg
>2001," an international seminar on the traditional music of
>Eastern European Jewry, to be held July 8-12, 2001 in St.
>Petersburg, Russia.
>"KlezFest in St. Petersburg 2001," now in its fifth year, is the
>oldest Klezmer seminar in Russia. It will include master-classes
>on Yiddish folk songs and Klezmer music, workshops on Yiddish
>folklore and Yiddish dance, lectures, concerts, and two
>excursions, "Jewish St. Petersburg" and "White Nights in St.
>Petersburg." Our staff will include three world-famous Yiddish
>musicians -- pianist and conductor Zalmen Mlotek and singer
>Adrienne Cooper, both from New York, and the brilliant Klezmer
>clarinetist from London, Merlin Shepherd -- as well as Leonid
>Sonts, the leader of "Simcha," Russia's first professional
>Klezmer band.
>"KlezFest in St. Petersburg" is dedicated to bringing Klezmer
>music and Yiddish culture back to the lands of their birth and
>will include Jewish musicians from the vibrant centers of Jewish
>renaissance across the newly independent states of the former
>Soviet Union. It is supported by a grant from the Jewish
>Community Development Fund in Russia and Ukraine, a project of
>the American Jewish World Service (New York).
>This year we are pleased to announce a special program for lovers
>of Yiddish music and culture from other parts of the globe. We
>are asking for a contribution of $500 ($400 for those who speak
>either Russian or Yiddish). This sum will include food and
>lodging in St. Petersburg for 5 days and the entire seminar
>program, including interpreters when needed, concerts and the two
>excursions. Participants will pay their own transportation to St.
>Here's what previous international guests have to say:
>Sheila Fox, Seattle:
>"I had the most incredible journey and look into Russian Jewish
>life. I found that Jewish communities are still very much alive
>and growing... The wonderful people from Russia, Ukraine,
>Moldova, Lithuania, Belarus, are passionately learning about
>their Jewish roots. The warmth I felt from these musicians made
>me feel right at home. We shared so much... I felt such
>tremendous spirit there...."
>Adrienne Cooper, New York:
>"I teach in seminars similar to this in format throughout the
>U.S., Canada and Western Europe -- and this week in Russia, these
>participants, are the most enthusiastic, most consistently
>high-level, emotionally engaged, imaginatively free and
>expressive of all the Jewish musicians I encounter. I feel
>blessed to be involved with them and with this program...."
>Zalmen Mlotek, New York:
>"Why am I coming back to KlezFest? It is a unique opportunity to
>work and meet with 30-40 singers, instrumentalists, teachers and
>performers -- all from the 'oases' of new Jewish life in the
>former Soviet Union, all with fascinating stories and great
>repertoires. This is really a trip not for musical tourists but
>for people seriously interested in the repertoire and the people.
>This is frankly why I return and why I think others should too.
>And what a bonus, beautiful St. Petersburg White Nights and a
>KlezBoatRide on the Neva at midnight."
>For more information, please contact the Jewish Community Center
>of St. Petersburg via fax at (7-812) 314-5117, or e-mail
><frenk (at) lea(dot)spb(dot)su>. For help with travel and visa arrangements,
>contact our American sponsor via telephone at (212) 273-1620 or
>273-1642, or e-mail <jcdf (at) ajws(dot)org>.
>Join us at "KlezFest in St. Petersburg" this summer! It is a
>unique opportunity for you to enjoy wonderful Yiddish melodies
>and the fantastic White Nights, a time you will never forget.
> Alexander Frenkel                            |  Phone: 7 812 113 3889
> Jewish Association of St Petersburg, Russia  |  Fax: 7 812 314 5117

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