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Re: Klezmer in the Orthodox Community (was: Decline and Fall of Clarinet Empire (was Re: women musicians)

Ah, yes. But why? What's replaced it?


Sapoznik (at) aol(dot)com wrote:
> In a message dated 2/28/01 11:29:12 PM, GRComm (at) concentric(dot)net writes:
> << An ancillary question, perhaps even more elusive to answer; why is
> klezmer fading out in the Ortho community? >>
> It's not fading. It's faded.  Long faded. If by the "Ortho" community you
> mean "Hasidic" it's been a good 35 years since you heard real deep dish
> klezmer like a Rudy Tepel and the Epsteins on their bandstands. Dave Tarras
> stopped playing for them in the early 60s because their parties would go on
> all night and even though Pete Sokolow is still doing occasional gigs with
> Neginah et al, there's no klezmer of any sort on those bandstands. It's been
> a good 15 years since there's even been a clarinet on NY Hasidic  bandstands
> and now even the saxes (mostly alto) which replaced them are starting to
> become rare. Andy Statman had tried playing clarinet on Hasidic gigs for a
> while but  he even he couldn't them to accept it back on the bandstand, let
> alone any "klezmer".
> If however, you mean Young Israel type Modern Orthodox, then the presence of
> what we would consider klezmer in that community is gone, gone gone even
> longer than in the Hasidic world.
> Henry Sapoznik
> Founder/Director "KlezKamp: The Yiddish Folk Arts Program"
> Author  "Klezmer! Jewish Music From Old World to Our World" (Schirmer Books)
> Winner 2000 ASCAP-Deems Taylor Award for Excellence in Music Scholarship

George Robinson
Author, Essential Judaism
Please visit my website, "Essential Judaism and Beyond"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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