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South African Music Center

I have to apologise that I inadvertantly offended with my comments on the
South African Jewsih Music center. I was merely refering to the tremendous
uphill battle its director Fay Singer has had in consolidating the
collection, and more importantly, finding a home for the Center. I have only
the highest respect for what she has achieved in the face of great
difficulties, and her contribution to the growth of Jewish Music especially
in South Africa has been tremendous. From Klezmer concerts to Ladino
lullabies she is a fountain of knowledge. There is not a conversation about
Jewish Music in this country where her name is not directly mentioned. I
simply lament the fact that such a tremendous source of experience, wisdom
and material, has not been given the red-carpet treatment.

thanks and a sincere apology

Albert Combrink

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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