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OT, but relevant

There is a n article in the NY Times today (Saturday) that is relevant to a
discussion we have had just now on women singing.  It is on the Arts page,
under the heading, "Critic's Notebook.  A Jewish Canon, Yes, But Not Set in
Stone".  The subheading is "Exploring the idea that power lies in
flexibility, not immutability."

If you don't have the paper, you can read the article today by going to (you will have to register if this is your first visit) and clicking
on Arts (Under Features) in the list on the left side of the screen.  If you
don't get there today, you may have to look in the archives.

Marvin Margoshes
(Delete "NOSPAM" from my address to reply)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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