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Reminder: MIKVEH in LA on Sat.

All-Star Women's Klezmer Band in LA Debut!
Saturday, February 24, 8 pm
Temple Isaiah

Four of the top musicians on the international klezmer scene join together to create wild, soulful music! MIKVEH, the all-star women's klezmer band makes its LA debut NEXT SATURDAY, February 24 at 8 pm at Temple Isaiah, 10345 W. Pico Blvd., West LA. Featuring klezmer and Yiddish song stars Adrienne Cooper (vocals) and Lauren Brody (accordion), MIKVEH's original and traditional songs give voice to the experience of Jewish women everywhere.

Tickets,$20 and $15 for students, are available at the door, or in advance by phone from Yiddishkayt Los Angeles, 323/692-8151.

This concert is part of the Women's Yiddish Voices Conference. For more information
---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+ Hosted by Shamash: The Jewish Network A service of Hebrew College, offering online courses and an online MA in Jewish Studies, ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------=

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