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Affirmative not Schmattfirmative

    Winston, etc.:
    Just an interesting aside: I was able to attend college because of
Affirmative Action. Not because I am a woman, but because I was a 
poor,working-class Jew,and I met the income and minority status for the 
public, State University I attended. Needless to say I believe in 
Affirmative Action, just not the P.C. hypocracy that goes with it!
  A short quiz: what's the largest White(White always being a facetious 
term) Adult group living in Poverty in the United States today? A clue: I 
got the statistics from the AJC. Answer: Elderly Jews. I bring this up, just 
to show that not all of "Us" Jews have made it into the Middle Class, even.  
And I bring that up, because the longer I live in poor circumstances, the 
more I understand that you've got to use every last advantage you can, and 
this includes Affirmative Action.
       I teach poor, Inner City kids.  And in light(or should I say in the 
moral darkness and turpitude) of the current administration, these kids will 
need everything they can get their hands on.  Just like this poor, Inner 
City Kid, some 20 years ago!
       Could we NOW please stop bashing each other and get back to the 
Music? If I want to feel depressed and hateful I'll just look out my window 
at the local Crack dealers(no joke).
       As, I believe Tennyson said: "Music hath charms to soothe the savage 
breast."  Got it????
>       Love and Knishes,
>       Trudi the Gitl the G
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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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