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Where Klezmer Meets Corn

Yiddishe Cup: Where Klezmer Meets Corn

Here's an article about playing klezmer in mostly rural places. Primarily the Midwest. Lotsa cornfields. (But Texas and Florida are mentioned too -- for the un-corn perspective.)

Click, and you're in the klezmer van. (Bumper sticker: We Brake For Ethnicity.)

The author is the director of the Yiddishe Cup Klezmer Band. His writing on music has appeared in Rolling Stone and Down Beat.

The article is from most recent Cleveland Jewish News, Feb. 23, 2001.

Happy clicking, and thanks for your time.

Bert Stratton
Yiddishe Cup Klezmer Band

P.S. Yiddishe Cup's upcoming appearances: March 3, Shir Tikvah, Detroit; March 8, The Temple, Cleveland; March 23, Miami U., Oxford, Ohio; March 24, Loras College, Dubuque, Iowa; April 21, Arts Council, Celina, Ohio; May 5, Huntington (W.Va.) Museum of Art.

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