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Klezmer from Vilna and/or Lithuania

I am interested in Klezmer from Vilna. I know the Partizanerlieder, and
of course the song Vilna.
But what other "original" klezmer is there from Vilna; I do not know
much. It is my hypothesis that in this city of strict and  ascetic
movements (mitnagedim, Musar), Klezmer was not much accepted. Is that

regard, Sef van Ments
begin:          vcard
fn:             Sef van  Ments
n:              Ments;Sef van 
adr;dom:        Laurierkerslaan 31;;;1185 DE AMSTELVEEN;;;
email;internet: vanments (at) xs4all(dot)nl
tel;home:       020-641 67 37
x-mozilla-cpt:  ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version:        2.1
end:            vcard

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