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new bibliography being written

Dear Jewish Music Listers:
Mr. Kenneth Jaffe is interested in hearing from people who know of large
scale vocal works on Jewish themes. If you are a composer and would like to
contact Ken to have your work included in his upcoming bibliography, please
contact him off list at:

 jaffclan (at) swbell(dot)net

Take care.

> >
> >My name is Kenneth Jaffe.  I am a cantor in St. Louis who is in the
> >process of completing a music bibliography on large-scale works with
> >solo voice(s) on Jewish themes by Jewish composers.  This includes any
> >kind of musical stage works, oratorios, cantatas, sacred services with
> >large instrumental complement, symphonies with voice, etc.  At present,
> >I have around 1,900 annotated entries and am in negotiation with
> >Greenwood Press for a possible future publication.
> >
> >Since I am in the process of trying to bring this work to the attention
> >of Jewish composers I was wondering if there was any way to have some
> >information on my bibliography put in your announcements, since this
> >work will defenitely be of benefit to composers in getting their works
> >known to a larger public.
> >
> >Let me know what you think.
> >
> >Best Wishes
> >
> >Ken Jaffe
> >
> >

Judith S. Pinnolis
Reference Librarian
Coordinator for Publications and Training
Brandeis University Libraries
Goldfarb Library MS045
P.O Box 549110 
Waltham, MA 02454-9110
fax: 781-736-4719
email: pinnolis (at) brandeis(dot)edu

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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