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Mickey Katz Records

In the past couple of weeks I have picked up 2 Mickey Katz recordings on 
Capitol. Neither of the records have the date of Issue on them. I was 
wondering if someone can tell me where do I go to look these up. This way the 
whole list doesn't have to hear each time I buy another record.
    If you are curious the recordings that I picked up are; "Mickey Katz, The 
Borscht Jester." Its a collection of Mickey's stand up stuff. It is catalog 
number T1445, and has nice liner notes written by Chico Marx. The other one 
is the previous one in the catalog, ST1744 (the S means that it is a stereo 
vs. mono disk.) "Sing-Along with Mickele." It is not klezmer by most 
stretches of the imagination, but it is fun Jewish music, with lyric sheets 
so that you can sing along with the album.


Matt Temkin
Mattflight (at) aol(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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